Why why why

OK, so I set a goal to figure out how to make these picture mosaics, and I thought I just mite be able to accomplish it. Well.......... I figured out how to use flikr and the photos there and viola it worked. So being me I'm soo proud of myself look at me I did it! Now on to my big idea take my photos and do the same thing. Well you guessed it pure failure. I've worked on this little project for 2 nites and still no luck nadda nothing. Am I frustrated yeap ya got that. So here is my version that did work! Tomorrow is another day and a new trial at this.


Kim said…
these are beautiful pics sherry, did you take these ones or did you arrange them from flicker? i need to mess around with my banner still. kim

p.s. the july calendar is posted!!!
sherry said…
Arranged them from flikr. Thanks for the heads up on the July calendar

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