The Best Laid Plans of Mice & Men

The Greatest Mini Album. Pics are out of order despite my best efforts

Well I had high hopes of completing my to do list today. And actually I was going great guns: cleaning done, floors mopped, bathroom cleaned, laundry done and the last thing was to clean the pool. Oops no such luck. Pool motor was dead dead dead. Now yes I checked the circuit breaker, looked for a reset button and on and on. Nope DEAD. Great another thing in this house that needs repair. Ok add that to new roof, paint inside and out, landscaping and retirement is pushed back another year. Ha like I was even thinking of retiring anyway. So instead of cleaning the pool I worked on finishing up the mini albums from classes Friday and Saturday. "The Greatest" is done with photos and the "How Sweet It Is" just needs photos just haven't decided what photos to put in it.


Kim said…
looks great! sorry to hear about your pool pump. sometimes those fix it lists are neverending.

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