Happy Birthday TJ!!! You are the best son, brother, uncle, nephew, grandson and friend any one could ask for. We all love you. Hope you have a wonderful birthday. Love ya MOM
It has been a gut wrenching sad and emotional two months for the Struchen's. We have said our final goodbyes with many tears, laughter, sadness and breaking hearts. Dad passed on Feb 25th and now Mom has joined him on March 10th. We knew Mom was very ill but none of us expected that she would go so very quickly. And now as my sister says we are orphans. We are still family but right now without Dad and Mom to bring us and keep us all together as they had worked so hard to do all these years. As I had written on Caring Bridge Dad was our hero, our mentor our DAD. It is so hard to realize there are no more early am text messages or emails no more 4pm Sunday phone calls. There is a giant void in my heart Mom seemed to think she always took a back seat to Dad. But she was always there to help us, give us strength hold us to a higher standard. "We Struchen women are tough" she used to tell me when I was needing a listening ear. "You c...
It doesn't seem to matter if I have 3 days off or a normal Saturday & Sunday off, it is never ever enough. Here it is already 7pm and I am getting ready for work tomorrow. Last early day and then back to the old routine. So what did I accomplish this weekend?? not too much as far as the home front goes. Just the usual laundry and clean but no yard work. Now on the creative level I had a great inspiring weekend. I rode to Payson with Earleen and Annette on Sat am for a class by the 2 gypsy girls Debbie and Paula . I had my doubts I could construct a house that would stand. Due the patience of the 2 Gyspsie Girls my house is still standing today:) I loved this class. The roof holds the little album and the clever use of the 7 Gypsy elastics made the page signatures so easy.
After class we joined Annette and her family at their reunion. Invited crashers we were. We feasted on Alaskan Salmon thank you Robert and all the yummy goodies from a reunion. A couple of q...
I hosted a small group for a Christmas Stocking Swap. I kept the group small due to my time and work constraints and deadlines I was facing. My idea for the swap came from a wonderful online class I took with Nancy Maxwell James of Sugar Lump Studios . I really enjoyed her class and all her helpful tips and so the idea was born. I assigned secret partners, to each of the members as well as a Dec 10th deadline. Christine suggested we all wait and open our boxes on the same day. So today is the reveal. The stocking are gorgeous and it has been fun as the photos came in to see how each of us interpreted the theme. We designed and filled our stockings with goodies and then mailed to our partner. Below are the photos of our stockings and a little thank you I sent to each of the gals. The stockings are in no particular order just how they came up on the computer. I am already thinking of next year :) and what we could do and to being more organized time wise so I can invite more ga...