What a wonderful weekend

What a wonderful weekend. I can't quit smiling as I think of all those special moments. I was so lucky to attend my second Kim C event "Joyeux Affaire" this past weekend. Kim's events are like Christmas. The build up and the anticipation and then the day arrives and you open the greatest gift ever. Kim oversees each and every detail. Everything from food, decor, gifts and instructors is fine tuned. She assures that each of us have a great day and we are spoiled beyond belief.
So Friday morning Kim H, Colleen and I packed Kim's SUV to the max and headed to Cali. What a fun road trip. We had so much catching up to do and Colleen was quite the expert at signing with her white gloves. Kim and I cracked up as she waved and signed her displeasure with some of the drivers. Needless to say we got some strange looks.
One of the fun cars that we passed was the Oscar Meyer weinermobile. I tried to get some pics as we drove by

Saturday was the much anticipated day. We were in awe when we walked in to a Christmas wonderland. The tables were beautiful and the goodie bags, were unbelievable.

Kim's beautiful dress form

My table mates

Our vendors set up. All of them had beautiful displays to help entice us to shop and we all did

Lunch boxes all lined up

Swapping our ornaments

All the ornaments from the swap I joined on my little tree. They were all beautiful

I have so many pics but will upload them to my flickr in the next few days.
We left Sun early afternoon and somehow we seemed to have more bags coming back hmmm not sure how that happened:) The trip home was as entertaining as going. I think we are now familiar with where the cheapest gas is, where the best eats are and where the most horrible rest stop restrooms are. Believe me we saw them!!
I will post more later off to bed. Somehow sleep was not a priority and we well Kim and I seemed to chat quite late while Ms Colleen slept!


Kim Caldwell said…
Your picutres tell the perfect story of our day together. Thank you sweet Sherry for coming. It wouldn't be the same without you! I LOVE my new desk calendar -- so beautiful and it's called "Nesting" -- just SO me!!

Love you, Kim

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