Quiet Day

Having a quiet day after a long busy week and an all day class yesterday. We have been in training with our new computer sysytem the last 3 days of this past week. Great system but lots to learn. Hopefully TJ has patience!!!! He, Dr L and I are the administrators. Well the 2 guys seem to have a lot more going than I do at the present. So I imagine next week will be busy continuing on to learning. The staff training is the end of March. Such fun that will be!

It is finally looking like spring around here. Flowers are blooming, weeds are growing and I am sneezing. Allergies have hit hard this year. I guess weeding, raking and trimming bushes has not helped the situation. It was such a beautiful day today and it was just nice being out in the fresh air. Probably going to pay for it tonight.
Weeds! I am on the attack. I made an environmental friendly weed killer and it does work just not fast enough for me. So off to the store for weed killer. The little buggers have been sprayed and now they just need to wither up. A few pics of my blooming bushes.

Saturday was a big class at Mystic Paper. Colleen and I took Shirley's Perpetual Calendar Class. It was an all day class and was so fun, relaxing and good times. Colleen sped through the project leaving us in her dust:) Shirley is a great instructor and had everything so well organized and packaged. She was so very generous in her sharing of all her goodies. Pic again from Mystic
Our kits

All of us working away (from Mystic)

Colleen with her completed calendar. I hijacked this phot off Mystic Paper blog as I forgot my camera! Colleen brought all her own embellishments and went in a different direction than we did. All the calendars everyone did turned out beautiful.

The 12 months

My completed calendar. For some reason the color is way off. I took the pic outside as the one inside was horrible. It is a beautiful calendar and it is already hanging on my wall. We had so many embellishments to choose from not only in our kit but from Shirley's stash


Sparklinbecks said…
Your flowers are so pretty! I love sprng!

I adore that calendar!
Tina said…
Oh that looks like a fun calendar class. Love the end result!
Lindsey said…
Love the calender! I know what you are saying about the allergies though, this year seems worse than others!

Take care!
We're so glad you enjoyed the class Sherry! Isn't Shirley the best. We've got some exciting news about Shirley coming up!
Anonymous said…
oh my i know what your saying about the allergies! my goodness! love your calendar it turned out cute!

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