Bountiful Day

This has been a great week-end so far. Last night I joined Tina at Paper Vineyard for a crop. Lots of fun and it was good to catch up with her.

Today it was BB day and then I worked the rest of the day cleaning up my patio and raking and cleaning up the back yard. Patio looks good so I can once again have my morning coffee on the patio. Looking forward to that tomorrow.
It has supposedly been forcasted for rain this weekend. Nope no rain at my house but we did have a huge dust storm last night. hence why I was sweeping up tons of dirt from the patio.

This is what it looks like tonight. Nope don't think these are good rain clouds. Looks like I will need to water again tomorrow. These are the clouds in the back off my patio

And this is the view in front still no rain looking clouds

Today was my Saturday pick up of Bountiful Baskets. A very full 2 baskets today. Lots of fruit and some good veggies. The bread Honey wheat and the ciabatta all 10 loaves (5 loaves of each) are yummy. I tried a little piece for my snack. Good stuff. Lots of bananas, apples, strawberries and a different melon that we haven't figured out yet. Jenn came and picked hers up and I will take TJ's to him Monday.

Anti joined the family tradition (not a good one) of needing glasses. He had his eye appointment earlier in the week and got his 1st pair of glasses today. Doesn't he look oh so grown up. Ms Sadera has her nose out of joint as she is the only one in our immediate family that doesn't need glasses. Lucky her. Pic is from Jenn's cell phone and not that great but you get the idea

The roof is done and now they will start painting on Wednesday. It survived the first big dust storm last night. No loose shingles everything looks good. Glad this part is done

Come Wed well at least next week this will be a lovely shade of carmel. Well that is what I am told anyway. Can't wait to see the new color


Tina said…
Enjoyed having you come to PV and crop with me. :)
Glad your new roof held out with the dust and wind. Enjoy your Sunday!

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