SHE/HE and a mess

My goodness another week has flown by. I was able to take today off and it has been PJ's all day for me. A quiet artsy day listening to one of my favorite CD's" Il Divo"

My swaps for Kim's July event are done and in the mail. This will be another wonderful, full of surprises, great classes and catching up with friends in July. Kim's events are the very best and I can't wait to attend.

The weather here is cloudy,windy and plain miserable on the allergies so a perfect excuse for me to continue to be a house hermit, and so I worked on completing with unfinished projects.
I just finished putting together Carol Wingert's last 2 kits that I had ordered. Both were challenging and I am so glad that I had ordered both kits. I had a lot of printed pictures of my parents and their parents laying in a drawer. I was able to get alot of them in these two albums. What a sense of accomplishment to complete these two. Now it is back to finishing up more of Carol's kits that are partially done and other class projects I hadn't quite finished.

The "SHE" album cover.

One of the finished page sets

Another couple of pages.

This is the second kit the "HE" album. I really enjoyed the construction of this mini book as it was a double accordion album. Challenging but I was able to figure it out. It is done and even has the pictures in it. I do need to journal and add tags to the photos so well guess it is not done done.

The cover

The front layouts

The back accordion layouts

And here is the mess that I need to clean up before starting anything else.

A good day it has been


Maija said…
Your She book looks great!! I took the class and it was fun. I'm loving your He book, too- I didn't take that one. I hope you day off leaves you feeling better! Your allergies have been bad for months!
I can't wait to see you at Kim's!!
Holly Loves Art said…
Your book is g o r g e o u s Sherry! Wow!

I didn't do any swaps for Les Sirenes. :( Just not enough time. Are you making mermaid jeans? I am going to but haven't started them yet. I have ideas swirling around of course!

See you very soon!
Tina said…
The projects turned out wonderful! Thanks for sharing.
You are going to have the best time at Kim's event! :)
I just started my bottle swap today. I'm wishing I'd signed up for more swaps, I'll be sorry I didn't when I get there!
Unknown said…
Wow your 'she' book is just darling! I'm glad you had a day to just hang around in your Pjs and play!

Have a great weekend!
Sandy xox

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