Time Goes By So Swiftly
What have I been up to and where have I been?? are questions I am being asked since I seemed to have disappeared from blogger these days.
Well, it has been a busy month with work, fires and getting ready for Moulin. Then you throw in a few classes and it seems February has raced right by me.
I am blessed to be able to attend Kim's Moulin Rouge Event in March. With that there comes getting my attire together for vendor night, 4 swaps that needed to be attended to and of course a few new clothes to be purchased. I am looking forward to getting away for a few days to just relax, create and meet up with friends from California. I am flying out with Maija and returning with Colleen as she is driving back for a couple of weeks. Good times ahead that is for sure.
2 swaps completed packaged and mailed to the hostesses. 2 left to finish and bring with me for one on one exchanges.

In the meantime, I had a little excitement at home. While waiting for my ride to pick me up I heard sirens lots and lots of sirens. Walked out to my driveway to see Tempe, Mesa and Chandler firetrucks pulling into the house across the street. I could see black smoke and was wondering why so many trucks. Total of 8 trucks, ambulance Command Center truck and police. Needless to say my street was full of trucks. I ended up waking up to Elliot to catch my ride:). Meanwhile the house just kind of exploded with a fireball from the garage. Scary and I was reluctant to leave my house and go to work. But with that many firemen there I figured it was as good as it could be. Still not sure what is going on. Fire dept has been back mainly at night 3 nites in a row going over the house and property unmarked SUV's have been here in fact blocking off the streets while they were in there. The house was a rental and I really never saw the occupants just lots and lots of cars coming and gong. As TJ tells me I watch too much CSI:)

In between I have taken 2 classes from Suzette Ricks. Love her vintage style and I have completed one of her albums and need to get the next one completed. I am signed up for her 3rd class at Mystic March 5th. Another beautiful album "The House That Built Me.
Treasures Mini Album.
This was such a fun class working with vintage drawer pulls, buttons and lace.

"Vintage Finds" was a class by Suzette Ricks hosted by Earleen at her home. A fun class and a great time was had by all of us. And yes I mis spelled VINTAGE. Geesh I guess I was tired when I was finishing up the cover

So it is back to work for me, sewing my fingers to the bone well not quite. I am enjoying creating for the swaps for the March event
I would rather curl up on the couch with a book and blanket on this rainy cold afternoon. But my sewing machine is calling to me:)
Hoping all have a great week ahead
Well, it has been a busy month with work, fires and getting ready for Moulin. Then you throw in a few classes and it seems February has raced right by me.
I am blessed to be able to attend Kim's Moulin Rouge Event in March. With that there comes getting my attire together for vendor night, 4 swaps that needed to be attended to and of course a few new clothes to be purchased. I am looking forward to getting away for a few days to just relax, create and meet up with friends from California. I am flying out with Maija and returning with Colleen as she is driving back for a couple of weeks. Good times ahead that is for sure.
2 swaps completed packaged and mailed to the hostesses. 2 left to finish and bring with me for one on one exchanges.
In the meantime, I had a little excitement at home. While waiting for my ride to pick me up I heard sirens lots and lots of sirens. Walked out to my driveway to see Tempe, Mesa and Chandler firetrucks pulling into the house across the street. I could see black smoke and was wondering why so many trucks. Total of 8 trucks, ambulance Command Center truck and police. Needless to say my street was full of trucks. I ended up waking up to Elliot to catch my ride:). Meanwhile the house just kind of exploded with a fireball from the garage. Scary and I was reluctant to leave my house and go to work. But with that many firemen there I figured it was as good as it could be. Still not sure what is going on. Fire dept has been back mainly at night 3 nites in a row going over the house and property unmarked SUV's have been here in fact blocking off the streets while they were in there. The house was a rental and I really never saw the occupants just lots and lots of cars coming and gong. As TJ tells me I watch too much CSI:)
In between I have taken 2 classes from Suzette Ricks. Love her vintage style and I have completed one of her albums and need to get the next one completed. I am signed up for her 3rd class at Mystic March 5th. Another beautiful album "The House That Built Me.
Treasures Mini Album.
This was such a fun class working with vintage drawer pulls, buttons and lace.

"Vintage Finds" was a class by Suzette Ricks hosted by Earleen at her home. A fun class and a great time was had by all of us. And yes I mis spelled VINTAGE. Geesh I guess I was tired when I was finishing up the cover
I would rather curl up on the couch with a book and blanket on this rainy cold afternoon. But my sewing machine is calling to me:)
Hoping all have a great week ahead