I am seeing...Bright blue sunny skies I am hearing...My neighbor mowing his lawn I am smelling...the fresh cut grass I tasted...Trader Joes balsamic vinaigrette on my salad I am feeling... Tired after my bike ride I decided to restart the Simple Woman's Day Book. It was a great exercise to list what was going around me on a daily or weekly basis. She has a new site Diary of 5 in conjunction with her original site. I think this will be so much easier to keep on top of and will help to make me aware of my surroundings and feelings. Day 2 of new diet plan is going fairly well. I am craving Reece Peanut Butter Cups ha Good thing I had eaten them all yes every last christmas tree, bell and mini cups before I started this new me makeover!!! So I ate breakfast yuck hate breakfast unless it is at a restaurant and they have eggs, hash browns bacon pancakes waffles, well you get the idea. Water consumption is down today compared to yesterday and again yes I hate water, milk, Crysta...