Diary of 5 Day 1
I am seeing...Bright blue sunny skies
I am hearing...My neighbor mowing his lawn
I am smelling...the fresh cut grass
I tasted...Trader Joes balsamic vinaigrette on my salad
I am feeling... Tired after my bike ride
I decided to restart the Simple Woman's Day Book. It was a great exercise to list what was going around me on a daily or weekly basis. She has a new site Diary of 5 in conjunction with her original site. I think this will be so much easier to keep on top of and will help to make me aware of my surroundings and feelings.
Day 2 of new diet plan is going fairly well. I am craving Reece Peanut Butter Cups ha Good thing I had eaten them all yes every last christmas tree, bell and mini cups before I started this new me makeover!!! So I ate breakfast yuck hate breakfast unless it is at a restaurant and they have eggs, hash browns bacon pancakes waffles, well you get the idea. Water consumption is down today compared to yesterday and again yes I hate water, milk, Crystal Lite but I love coffee and Diet Pepsi so as I say not enough water yet. Forgot mid morning snack oops but had my salad with veggies and protein. Oh yeah I get an afternoon snack and another big salad with meat tonite Can hardly wait. On a positive note I have gone on a bike ride yesterday and today so that is good. I am sure I will be less grumpy :) as I get used to eating breakfast/smoothie and salads for lunch and dinner. And I am really positive that the hoped for outcome will be well worth the sacrifice so dramatic yes I know:)
Somehow putting it on my blog for the whole world to see makes me much more accountable and if the snack box would sell out of the Reece Peanut Butter Cups before I go to work tomorrow life would be ever so much better
Thanks for the Diary of 5 information. Happy New Year!
Oh and maybe you can talk to someone about the snack machine! ;)
Sandy xox