It's Official I'm on Vacation

As of Friday October 20th I am on a weeks vacation. Wahoo!! My folks and sister Jo arrived Friday at 8:55am and we picked them up from Sky Harbor. It has been a whirlwind of eating, running here and there, Schnepf Farm, Elephant Bar, IKEA, Michael's and lots and lots of catching up. Lunch at the Farm
Jo and I in the middle of the pumpkin patch
Mom and Dad posing for us
Jo has the family pics with all of us on her camera
So Monday it is a trip to DM so my sister can see where I spend most of my time. Then home to finish up my big IKEA project and put my scraproom back together. Love my new table and am so grateful to TJ and Dad for patiently putting it together despite no written instructions. More later


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