Saturday in review

I'm working on my check off list till my folks coming Oct 20th. I finished painting the spare bedroom "Jo Mamma's" room, have her bed up and made. I love this new Spainish Leather color.

Colleen and I were at the National Card class at Devine Memories. 5 cards were completed during this class. What fun. I bought 2 extra kits so guess what Jo, Mom and Dad we are going to make cards!
Michelle's card

Kim, Sandy and Amy's cards

Had a great Saturday and looking forward to a busy productive day today. Need to run and get pool chemicals, groceries, and a few things to finish putting the house in order. I'm so looking forward to my family visit. Lots of fun things and ideas planned. so guess I better get it together and get going. Later...


Michele said…
Cute cards Sherry...I am positiviely green with envy...that or I have the stomach flu.
One L
Kim said…
okay i'm jealous! michelle's card got it's own picture! (wink wink)

cute and fun! it was a blast!

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