Phase 2 clean-up

Today as hot as it is, and believe me it is hot! I worked out on my back patio and the front most of the day. There were frequent breaks for water or diet Pepsi along the way. I am pleased as I have almost everything picked up and put back in its place. The driveway and patio have had a bath and so the sanding and paint splatters and dust are gone. Hopefully that will be a big improvement on the allergies.
Jen and Anthony showed up about 7:30 to help me carry all the patio furniture back on to the patio. Big job as I have some heavy pieces. Anthony was thrilled when I gave him a container of old craft stuff to look through. He found packets of seeds so he was going home to plant radishes and flowers. We even managed to get the fountain to work and found a new place for it.
I am tired but so happy phase 2 is done. I am thinking on waiting a bit before phase 3 the landscaping starts. It is too hot to be out there moving rocks and planting.

Anthony and Jen bright and early to help

Jen took this pic from across the street yeap she has many pics from every angle on my camera.

The fountain is working. Anthony was the chief water boy and filled the fountain for us and oops kind of got Jenn and I a bit wet. Felt good as hot as it was

Tina posted a very thought provoking list republished by a lady on her 90th birthday. Lots of really good advice and thoughts. Stop by her blog and check it out.
Ok Jenn called and invited me out for Mexican so I am out the door. Kids coming back with me for a couple of hours while John and Jen attend TV previews of upcoming shows. They get to give their opinion on if they would watch the show or not.
More later


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